Student Stories

Christina Miller
Christina started her research programme at the University of Queensland in 2018
“I completed my studies in Animal Behaviour at the University of Exeter, UK, in 2015. At this time I was unsure of what I wanted to do so I worked a few short term contracts. I worked as a research officer with Frontier in Madagascar for six months, as a research assistant in the Bahamas for five months, and as a science leader with the British Exploring Society. From these experiences I decided I wanted to get back into education and complete a PhD. However, I wanted the freedom to choose where I took my research. Although the UK does have a few opportunities like this, they are rare, and more often you end up applying for a PhD that already has a title, meaning there is less freedom to explore your findings further.
“I came across Study Options in my search for PhDs which gave me the idea to look at the research conducted in Australia. I found a supervisor who had similar interests to my own at the University of Queensland. Study Options helped me not only with the application process but also with the student visa applications.
“I have been studying at UQ for eight months now and so far I am really enjoying it. I live in one of the most biodiverse cities in the world, I am conducting novel research, and I have the freedom to take that research in a direction that suits me. Additionally, there are many really cool opportunities here at UQ that will ensure I not only leave with a PhD but also with experience in tutoring courses and field trips, attending conferences and workshops, and doing many other extra curricula activities that will stand out on a CV.
“I think studying abroad demonstrates a lot of independence and also opens your mind to new experiences. If you are still unsure if studying abroad is the right choice for you, have a chat to Study Options and they will tell you everything you need to know.”